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User profile: Dagr

User info
User name:Dagr
Name:Danny Black
Bio:I'm student so sometimes i need help, so i hope cplusplus and guys here help me <3
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Birthdate:Apr 5, 1998
Joined:Jan 24, 2017 at 7:31pm
Number of posts:23
Latest posts:

Install Dev-Cpp
Hi guyz. Im new here (in linux) i need to install dev or another compiler on my PC i have Ubuntu 14....

How to use char(type) in function
Hello guyz how are u? I have one problem here so let me show it here. As i know char type means 1 ch...

Fibonacci's 150 member
Hello.I have some problem. I musc count fibonacci's 150 member. As i know borders of int isn't enoug...

Data Class

Data Class
Hi guyz. I need class which defines is it or not Leap year. The main idea is that year must choose u...