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User profile: Dacster13

User info
User name:Dacster13
Joined:Jan 7, 2009 at 1:07pm
Number of posts:212
Latest posts:

I have an error and I dont know why...
you have an extra semi-colon after the first endl, on the following line [code]cout << "Bok podstaw...

Please tell me how to make a choice
I guess that does make sense as well. Personally I find that most beginners find understanding the s...

Please tell me how to make a choice
Well I think C first is the easiest to understand of the 3 because of it's lack of OOP. C++ is a bit...

Arrays in Functions
Basically, you have 2 options 1. you can use a vector 2. you can use dynamic memory allocation. [...

Arrays in Functions
[code]int Book[n];[/code] that line won't compile on most compilers. It would work on gcc and mingw...