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User profile: Counteron

User info
User name:Counteron
Joined:Dec 24, 2010 at 8:54pm
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Can anyody tell me a small chanlenge to do with strings
I want to create a very small program using strings but nothing is coming to my head. A challenge fo...

Family age database c++
quirky thank you so much. i shoudl have typed if (father == name) cout << fatherage; ...

Family age database c++
i got an error on if ( strcmp(father, name)==0 ){ can you post the correct way i should type it?

can we insert symbols ? ? dev c++
wtf don't use taht symbol it's unicode. I'm almost sure you code in ascii not unicode. and how does ...

Family age database c++
I'm trying to create a small program where the user can input one of the strings name and he will re...

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User: Counteron

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