User profile: ChillMick

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User name:ChillMick
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

Memory Map - Is It Possible To Create A Pointer That Points To Specific Address?
Figured it out, for those who see this, 1) convert it to long int using strtol (Use strtoul if you ...

Memory Map - Is It Possible To Create A Pointer That Points To Specific Address?
Thanks for the responses, Since the address is in hexa, it contains letters as well. aoti and scanf...

Memory Map - Is It Possible To Create A Pointer That Points To Specific Address?
I am currently writing a program that requires me to find certain files in map based on their permis...

Program is skipping cin.getline in loop?

Finding and printing the most frequent letter in an array?
Haha well I did it that way and now it is working! I guess it was just my compiler. Thanks for the h...

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User: ChillMick

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