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User profile: Bernarax

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User name:Bernarax
Joined:Aug 14, 2015 at 5:12am
Number of posts:6
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please use [output][code][/code][/output]

If function
[code]int sRequest;[/code] What do you think is the meaning of this line?

Beginner Mistakes Ahoy.
You should edit your post to use [output][code][/code][/output] [code] #include <iostream> int main...

Beginner Mistakes Ahoy.
to shorten your code, you could do something like [code] bool answer[21] for (int i = 1 ; i <= 20 ; ...

Need help with assignment please!
You don't happen to know this guy ? :) http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/172173/ What exactly...