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User profile: Andym

User info
User name:Andym
Name:Andy Millard
Location:Chesapeake, Virginia
Bio:Current student studying for a 2nd career.
Joined:Nov 22, 2012 at 3:18am
Number of posts:134
Latest posts:

APP Delelopment
Well, I finished my latest class. Thanks to all for helping me. Now on to bigger and better things....

still struggling with the linked list
My assignment is due tonight and I can not get this code to write the text from a text file into str...

Linked lists
well, ive been working on this for a few days, trying to digest this and assemble it. For some reas...

populate note using text file
Ok, so with the help from dhayden, I have learned quite a bit about linked lists. For some reason, ...

Linked lists
As I am trying to digest this solution, I am curious as to why there are 2 structs? One named "Perso...