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User profile: AkiraC

User info
User name:AkiraC
Bio:Hi, I'm new to c programming and I want to improve my programming skill so one day I can be a successful game programmer or mobile developer.
I'm just a curious child :)
Joined:Jul 28, 2021 at 10:14am
Number of posts:17
Latest posts:

How to perform insertion sort for array with more than one variable?
Hi, I have an array with more than one variable, eg: ID, name, gender etc. And I want to perform sor...

How to perform array frequency count?
hi @The Grey Wolf @againtry, I already got my solution, thank you so much for your help! [code]#incl...

How to perform array frequency count?
@Duthomhas Hi, i have my own code already and I'm using c not c#, I should have mentioned it in the ...

How to perform array frequency count?
Hi @Duthomhas, sorry for the disturbance, I went and changed some of my codings [code] #include<stdi...

How to perform array frequency count?
Hi, I need to write a program to read, group, and total up the survey marks entered by a respondent....

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User: AkiraC

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