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User profile: AcarX

User info
User name:AcarX
Old user name:spacecamp
Joined:Feb 26, 2012 at 1:59pm
Number of posts:130
Latest posts:

wincrypt.h equivalent on linux
[code] HCRYPTPROV ctx; HCRYPTHASH hash; HCRYPTKEY key; char data[32] = "Some data"; DWORD len = strl...

loadlibrary() crashes
You can try using 'Dependency Walker'. If the vc runtime dlls have a 'd' at the end(ex: msvcr120d.dl...

Append to beginning of TCHAR array using wsprintf
If it's not required that you convert it yourself, you can use '%08x' instead. [code] unsigned int ...

simple program not compiling
A wild guess but, if you named your file 'main.c' it may cause issues with the header you included s...

FreeLibrary doesn't unload the DLL
Thanks for the answer. [code]GetModuleHandle("my_dll.dll")[/code] returns 0 before I call the [code...