wincrypt.h equivalent on linux[code] HCRYPTPROV ctx; HCRYPTHASH hash; HCRYPTKEY key; char data[32] = "Some data"; DWORD len = strl...
loadlibrary() crashesYou can try using 'Dependency Walker'. If the vc runtime dlls have a 'd' at the end(ex: msvcr120d.dl...
Append to beginning of TCHAR array using wsprintfIf it's not required that you convert it yourself, you can use '%08x' instead. [code] unsigned int ...
simple program not compilingA wild guess but, if you named your file 'main.c' it may cause issues with the header you included s...
FreeLibrary doesn't unload the DLLThanks for the answer. [code]GetModuleHandle("my_dll.dll")[/code] returns 0 before I call the [code...